Adult Education & Connection


Our adult ministries offer both mid-week and Sunday morning faith formation that is tailored to their developmental level. In addition to children and youth specific programming there are many opportunities throughout the year for children and youth to participate in intergenerational opportunities to grow and serve.


Sunday School

COLLEGE AND CAREER CLASS –  Room 204  Designed for those who just arrived in the “real world.” This class isn’t afraid to ask the big questions and share our experiences. We will be studying “How Jesus Saves the World from Us: 12 Antidotes to Toxic Christianity” by Morgan Guyton. Tyler Goad, Teacher. 

30, 40s, 50s CLASS – Room 205  This class is continuing a parallel reading of the synoptic gospels according to Mathew, Mark, and Luke and focusing on those stories that all three of the authors each chose to include.  Eric Nance Woehler, Teacher. 

LIVE, LOVE, AND SERVE CLASS – Room 201  The curriculum in this class is constantly changing and evolving to meet the interests of the class members. We seek to study all books of the Bible and develop a better understanding of God’s word.  Beginning in September, we will be reading from the Gospel of Luke.  Our study guide is “Life Lessons from Luke…Jesus, the Son of Man” by Max Lucado.  This is a twelve-week study. This class welcomes all, but is currently all women.  Dotty Short and Susan Groeneweg, Teachers.

SIX-WEEK STUDY – FELLOWSHIP Hall: Starts on August 18th:  “Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools” is a study that will focus on intercession, adoration, confession, and petition in our prayer life.  We will discuss ways to be more attentive during our prayer time and will even look at how to handle our prayers not being answered. Bear Coursey, Teacher.

THE WIRED WORD – ROOM 203  Bringing lessons and discussion to life, this class utilizes relevant lessons pulled from weekly news.  The resource helps link the latest headlines to the message of scripture.  Group discussion creates a sense of dialogue between news events and the strength, encouragement, and hope of the Bible.  This class welcomes all, but is currently all men. Walt Cramer and Perry Cheek, Teachers.

TARA EDWARDS CLASS – ROOM 307 (By the gym) This class is working our way through What are Biblical Values by John J. Collins, with the subtitle ‘What the Bible Says on Key Ethical Issues.” The book addresses the claim that many people make that their positions on various issues are grounded in Biblical values, and they use scriptural passages to support their claims.  Examining what the Bible actually says reveals the complexity of moral problems and may lead us to being surprised by what we find. This book is not interested in taking a position on any issue but raising questions and allowing the Bible to “speak,” and provide guidance as we are faced with many issues never imagined by the writers of the Bible. 

MCMURTRIE CLASS – ROOM 301  This class studies a Bible based curriculum, Connections, that applies to everyday living. Class members consist of couples and singles who are  60 and up. 

SHORT CLASS – LIBRARY  We are an adult Bible study class.  Our study material is “The Present Word.”  We cover scripture from the Old and New Testament and take this scripture which was written over 2000+ years ago and apply it to the world we live in today and how we use it in our daily lives. 

Open Basketball

Thursdays at 7 p.m. Central is open basketball in our gym at 1030 College Drive in Madisonville. People of wide-ranging ages (about 15 to about 65), fitness and skill levels rotate through quick, usually full-court games of five on five. The action typically closes at about 8:30 with group prayer. 

Maybe you will provide our first highlight-reel dunk. Come on out and join the fun, friendly time. No RSVP required.

Senior & Women’s Ministries

XYZ Senior Ministry - Join our XYZ Senior Ministry, which gathers monthly for a fabulous meal and speaker. This fun and inspiring event is targeted for people 55 and older.  We also have great day trips and excursions throughout the year that are geared specifically for this age group.

Christian Women's Fellowship - Join one of the three women's groups that serve, study, and fellowship together each month.

Book Club - Join fellow fiction readers on the second Wednesday of the month at 10am in room 201. Contact the church office for more information.

Support Groups

Cancer Support Group - The first Wednesday of every month at 3 p.m. Central we have a support group geared for those who live  with cancer or who love someone who is living with cancer. It's a time of encouragement, support, and idea sharing. Everyone is welcome to join this open gathering at First Christian at 1030 College Drive in Madisonville.

Families Facing Addiction Support Group -
Meets the 4th Monday of the month at 5:30pm for support and hope. This is a support group for those who love someone who struggles with the grip of addiction. This group seeks to be a place of hope & learning about the disease of addiction. The group often welcomes special guests to share their story, learn from medical or therapeutic experts, or simply gather for a time of sharing and reflection. We hope this is a safe space for all to feel less alone in the journey. For questions reach out to the church office to be put in touch with the coordinators of this ministry.

Open Basketball

Thursdays at 7 p.m. Central is open basketball in our gym at 1030 College Drive in Madisonville. People of wide-ranging ages (about 15 to about 65), fitness and skill levels rotate through quick, usually full-court games of five on five. The action typically closes at about 8:30 with group prayer. 

Maybe you will provide our first highlight-reel dunk. Come on out and join the fun, friendly time. No RSVP required.

Special Events

All year long we offer special events, trips and short-term faith studies that support adults of all ages to grow in faith.

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